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Helping Hands Ministry:

What is Helping Hands Ministry?


Helping Hands is a caregiving ministry of Light of Christ Lutheran Church.  Volunteers work on short-term projects to help those who, due to medical or age-related issues, need a helping hand. 


Helping Hands is confidential and provides Christian caring to those in the surrounding community.  As a church, we desire to live out the words given in Galatians 6:10 which says, "So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially those who are of the household of the faith." 


When there is a need in our congregation, we will do our best to help!


How can you help?


For a church to minister to the flock effectively and efficiently, many hands are needed.  The following are the different areas which would be most helpful to
those in need.


  • HandymanProvide help with simple home repairs or maintenance that is needed, possibly provide advice on auto repair or other things.

  • Home Help - Provide help with minor house cleaning, running errands, and other basic needs in the event of emergency or medical recovery.


  • MealsProvide short term meals as needed to someone with a medical emergency or life change.  (Formally known as “Caring Meals”)


  • TransportationProvide a ride to the doctor, appointments, or other places for those who can’t drive themselves.


If you are interested in serving with this ministry,
please contact pastor at


(Click here to access the Helping Hands Form)

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